
Serving Rural Communities in South Africa
Angels reach out into under-resourced rural communities by providing essential services that are focused on developing the whole community. We offer a variety of services based on research done to assess the communities needs and include: Community Events, Youth Leadership Development Camps, School Recycling Clubs, access to Business Development Support services through mobile units and facilitating pop-up workshops or events.

Social Responsibility

Angels CSI Outreach & Fundraiser Initiative – Supporting Education in South Africa

As part of our Mission to Make a Meaningful Impact, we’ve adopted Sandaalhout Primary in Delft, a severely under-resourced government school with over a thousand learners. Schools like Sandaalhout are educating and equipping the future of our nation. We’ve committed to doing our part. Angels and Lead Academy staff will be on-the-ground volunteering to assist staff in an administrative and general support capacity, as well as participating in the school’s “Reading-With-Meaning” programme, which aims to improve the literacy skills of all learners – contributing to improved understanding and performance across all subjects.

We WILL do what we can to support this school… But We Need Your #CSI & #Volunteer Support

We do need additional funding and resources to make a real difference!

Our aim is to facilitate a minimum of five fundraising events in 2025, but we could do so much more with Your Individual or Your Company’s Support.

These fundraising initiatives will include a Book Covering drive, Stationary drive, Community Walk, a Spring Market and culminate in a Festival of Joy, which gets the whole community involved in supporting, unifying and celebrating, while empowering SMMEs and engaging local stakeholders.

All funds raised from these drives will go straight into resource and infrastructure improvements at the school, as well as aiding the dedicated staff in facilitating a more conducive learning environment for their learners.

Together with the staff, we’ve identified the key areas of improvement from their wish list, namely:

Resources, Stationery, Technology, Playground and Volunteers.

With your help we can tackle ALL their Wish List items: Building and infrastructure improvements at the school, essential admin office equipment and teaching aids, classroom outfitting and improvements, stationery and textbooks, library upkeep, a computer lab, as well as further fencing and security to safeguard both learners, staff and the new resources and improvements made to the school premises.

Angels Resource Centres : Community Outreach & Social Responsibility   |  EMAIL US FOR MORE INFORMATION angels@angelsinc.co.za

Contact Lizelle Coombs for a full presentation of the Angels Resource Centres Outreach Programmes Services.

Contact Robyne O’Callaghan on Whatsapp: 079 350 5826 to find out more and offer your support to Sandaalhout Primary.